Second Opinion

We Collaborate


We aim to make a difference in patient life by collaborating with other care providers.

  • Are you confused about the patient endocrine labs?
  • Have a question about recent imaging?
  • Not sure how to manage complex endocrine problems?
  • We can help!

Our service includes personalized and specialized care for type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, thyroid cancer, adrenal disorder, osteoporosis, PCOS, and Pituitary disorder.

Dr. Mustafa has vast experience dealing with complex endocrine cases. She worked closely with other providers, including primary care and other sub-specialties, to provide exceptional care for endocrine, diabetes, obesity, and metabolic problems.

Second Opinion

Save Time, No more sitting for hours in the waiting room

All the appointments will be in a prompt, unhurried fashion, with direct access to your provider, extended time at each visit, and a strong focus on health and wellness.

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